Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Unity. I love that cars bring people together at a time where nearly everything else is pulling us apart.

It often feels like all of the forces around us are working towards creating divides. Politics. Mandates. Racial tensions. Religion. Ideologies. Hate, anger, frustration and mistrust are fragmenting us as people.

I see so many lines drawn in the sand regarding the issues of our time that I feel that no matter which way I step, I know I am going to deeply offend. But then there are cars.

They are a grand equalizer that draws us back together despite the opinions and values we espouse.

At car meets I see different backgrounds and beliefs. I see varying politics and social standings. I see the beauty of different races and ages. I see just one group of people, car people.

We need this kind of unity in our communities. Things that remind us that the ones we are so against, they are people too.Unity that reminds us we are all created in the image of God.

Unity that reminds us that disagreement does not have to be disrespect.

Unity that reminds us we can still love those we disagree with.

I’m thankful God gave us the creativity to creat cars…to be appreciated and enjoyed. I’m even more thankful for the car community in Middle Tennessee…a community that reminds me there is so much good left to be found in our neighbors.

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