Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Italian Cars and Coffee Nashville

The in-crowd.

Today was another Italian Cars and Coffee event at Carlock Motorcars Nashville. Parking the Alfa Romeo amidst the likes of some stunning examples of Ferrari and Lamborghini motorcars can leave us looking and feeling a bit out of place.

The amazing thing, though, about being around other car people is that everyone belongs. It doesn’t feel like a hierarchy, rather like a community.

Regardless of what you drive in, once everyone is out of their cars it is just people with a common passion.

If you are into cars, you are not an outsider.

This feels to me like what Jesus wants the Kingdom of God to feel like. Not a place where we feel we don’t fit in around others who have their stuff together…rather a community of people where everyone is welcome.

Jesus invited the outsiders into the fold. People who would have felt they wouldn’t belong. He brought them together.

Those that wanted to be around Jesus, could be around Jesus.

It is an amazing feeling when someone welcomes you in. May we endeavor to bring that feeling to others we meet along the race of life as well.

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