Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Acura NSX Supercar

Every time I see this orange Acura NSX and its sunny disposition around town I smile.

The vivid orange color just seems to exude joy and happiness to me. Whether it is parked in a lot or cruising a boulevard, you cannot miss it. Its presence draws you in.

When we allow the ‘color’ and rythm of our life to be joy, we draw the attention of others in the same way.

When we paint our disposition with happiness we brighten the area around us and people can’t help but look our way.

Living joyfully does not mean that our life and circumstances are always perfect…rather that we have found our source beyond those things.

Where do we find our joy? In the truth that our circumstances do not dictate God’s goodness, rather His presence with us regardless of our circumstances does. 

God is good, even when life is not. That is something for us to smile about.

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