Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


The sound that the power unit of a Lamborghini delivers is distinctive.

When I am downtown and hear its sound cascading between buildings it is unmistakable.

It is so sweet to the ears. Just like a kid, I get excited to see it.Whenever it finally turns the corner or crests the hill, its presence always matches its sound. I’m seldom disappointed.

It makes me consider my own sound and presence in life, particularly as someone of faith.

Are the words I speak pleasing to those around me? Are they echoing life, joy, peace and hope into the space around others?

And, does my presence match the words emanating from my life? Is their harmony between what I say and what I do?

May the words we speak bring life around us, and may we always back them up with the rhythm of how we live.

And remember, when what we say and what we do don’t align, what we do always speaks louder.

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