
common ground.

Cars are common ground. Most of us, regardless of the work we do, the beliefs we hold, the values we espouse, or the lifestyles we live, interact with motor cars on a routine basis. Apart

making noise.

The sound that the power unit of a Lamborghini delivers is distinctive. When I am downtown and hear its sound cascading between buildings it is unmistakable. It is so sweet to the ears. Just like

a new ride.

A couple of weeks ago we said goodbye to a family friend. A friend that had been a part of countless adventures we’ve been on as a family. Ayrton (Ayrton Sienna, see what we did

bullet proof.

Earlier this year I was having a conversation with my Alfa Romeo technician following a few powertrain noises I was unsure about. Following a brief drive, he explained to me the origins of the noise,


Through my twenties and thirties a significant amount of my life was spent around motorsports. If there is one thing that I’ve learned through all of my years in motorsports, it’s that winning racecars don’t


Unity. I love that cars bring people together at a time where nearly everything else is pulling us apart. It often feels like all of the forces around us are working towards creating divides. Politics.

Change a life today

As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.

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