Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Cars are common ground. Most of us, regardless of the work we do, the beliefs we hold, the values we espouse, or the lifestyles we live, interact with motor cars on a routine basis.

Apart from automotive passion, there is still a common appreciation we collectively hold for the value that cars bring to society.

They are a common ground.

Recenlty I had the opportunity to hang out with a roomful of ALFA ROMEO, Maserati, Aston Martin, Bentley Motors, and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars owners at Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille. It was a diverse mingling of people from just as diverse of backgrounds.

It was a group of people who may not have ever spent time together if not for our common ground, cars.

Despite being a room full of strangers, none of us really were strangers. Rather, the room was filled with laughter and conversations because we all found the common ground.

Amidst a culture that has never been more divided, there is a lot of life and beauty found in the common ground.

Common ground is where debates turn into conversations. It’s where anger and division turns into compassion and grace.

The common ground moves people from being ‘labels’ to being ‘souls’.

It gives us a space to not only listen, but to also be heard.As the old adage goes, ‘people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.’ The first place to start is with the common ground.

It is just as Paul wrote in scripture, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Rm 13:8

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