Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Check Engine Alfa Romeo Stelvio

Check Engine. This light awakens such an anxiety in so many when it illuminates on the cluster.

Unfortunately, it is now glaring at me. Reminding me that something is wrong.

I’m left with two choices. Deal with it, and stomach the associated costs.

Ignore it, keep driving and postpone the financial implications that this light brings with it.

One answer leads to the continued well being and longevity of the car. The other has the potential to ultimately destroy it.I’m reminded the convenient answer is seldom the correct answer.

In life, how often do the warning lights illuminate around us provoking us to stop and perform some self care on ourselves? And how much more often do we keep driving our story because it is much more convenient that dealing with the issue at hand?Addiction. Depression. Short fuses. Resentment. Cynicism. Fear. Guilt. The list could go on. They are all lights on our cluster of life.

We can take the time to address the cause…or we can keep driving. But only one leads to true life.Self care is not selfish. It’s a necessity in keeping us in the race.

Christ calls us to love others as we love ourselves…so often we miss that we have to love ourselves within that. We are His creation, worthy of that love and self care.

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