by trekhocars
by trekhocars

Cars and People. It is one thing to posses an automotive passion, it is another to recognize those passions are deeply enhanced when we share them with others.
I’ve come to discover that often in life it is less about the ‘thing’ that excites us; and more about how our excitement for that ‘thing’ connects us with others.
It was a beautiful day at #BullsAndBagels, hosted by Lamborghini of Nashville as car people from around the area gathered.
Each person that pulled into Lamborghini of Nashville could have stayed home and stared at their car in their own garage, or escaped on a backroad by themselves. Instead they found themselves using their vehicles to forge connection with others.
As I stood in the corner of the lot filled with some of the most stunning automobiles in our town, what really captured me was the people.
The cars just became the backdrop to a space filled with conversation, laughter and joy. A space that was filled with the beauty of community, the beauty of relationship.
To be created in the image of God means that we posses His ‘DNA’ and reflect His character. If God is a relational God, then we, too, are wired for relationship.
There are some voids in our lives that stuff can never fill, holes that were only meant to be plugged with the purpose, hope, joy, peace and love found only in relationships.
Relationship with God.
Relationships with others.
It was a good day.
The spec on this Ferrari SF90 is simply brilliant. If given the opportunity to spec one out myself, I do not believe I could have done a better job.
My middle cluster/computer went out as of two days ago. It is now darkness in the middle.
When it comes to automotive specs I am a firm believer of ‘why be ordinary when you can be extra’.