Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Earlier this year I was having a conversation with my Alfa Romeo technician following a few powertrain noises I was unsure about.

Following a brief drive, he explained to me the origins of the noise, setting my mind at ease. As our conversation ended, he left me with the assurance that my powertrain was practically bulletproof.

It felt great to hear as I knew he was speaking to the durability of our car. There is a bit of peace in knowing you have a solid build.

Yet, I also know it is not ‘truly’ bulletproof despite feeling that way in that moment.

Short of being equipped with full armor, no car truly is bulletproof…no matter how great we feel about its reliability and service record.

If we truly want to be bulletproof, we have to be built like a tank.

There are moments in life that we can be deceived by feeling bulletproof as well. But have we truly equipped ourselves with an armor that can protect us from the bullets of life?

In one of his ancient letters, Paul wrote about an armor we can equip ourselves with to help us navigate this life.

Truth. Righteousness. Peace. Faith. Salvation.There is an armor we can wear to help us withstand the chaos of life and the brokenness around us. All we have to do is put it on.

Choose to walk through life bulletproof.

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