Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Kaleb and the Donk


While supercars certainly hold a special place in our heart, I really enjoy seeing different cars of all makes, models and vintages.

Even moreso I love seeing how owners express themselves through their automotive canvases. From bumper stickers and accessories to paint, wheels and performance parts…there is so much creativity and artistry to be seen.

Each car tells the story of its owner (and creator).That’s us, too. People.Unique, different, accessorized, individual…yet we all hold the thumbprint of our Creator.

We are His blank canvas, and our lives tell His story.Just because we may look different than the ‘car’ we are parked next to, doesn’t mean we are any less.

If you don’t hear it from anyone else today…know this. You are God’s workmanship. Wonderfully made.


Thanks to the owner for letting the boys check out your ride. Pretty wild! Those 32’s were MASSIVE!

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