Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Lamborghini Urus

Dream big dreams. When you give your passions to God, to use for His Kingdom, you can be led to dream big things.

This right here, the Lamborghini Urus, is the kids’ big dream.

The more time we have spent at car events on weekends over the past year, the more they have seen cars as a connection to people. To meet them, to love them, to serve them.

That has led them to dream big, and this is right at the bullseye of their target.

While they are passionate about cars, they also recognize they are a tool. They’ve seen how Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Paganis, and other supercars draw a crowd…and they know having an outlandish car will draw people in, affording us an opportunity to love on people just as Christ loves on people.

As a Father, I wrestle with the tension of dreaming about a car that costs as much of a house with so many other needs around America and the globe. But I recognize; car people need the love of Jesus too. And a car is a tool that paves the road to be a conduit into the life and stories of other car people.

I love watching them dream big dreams for the Kingdom, seemingly unachievable dreams. In fact, I am dreaming it right along with them.

While I do not know that I will ever have the means to help realize this dream; I do have the means to continue to lead them to both dream about ways to serve the mission of God as well as ways to use what we have right in front of us.

That is why Trekho has come alive in our world. While we may not own a Lamborghini, we do own something…so we are leaning into it. We are seeking how best to love others through what we do have. Being a good steward of what we’ve been entrusted with and not just sitting around ‘waiting’ for something more.

If we all dreamed the same dream, there would be a lot of unserved communities around us…so I celebrate this dream. Because what we have is a tool that can beautifully shape the Kingdom.

What kind of dreams are you dreaming lately? Be faithful with what you have; but also dream big about how you can impact the lives of others as well! 

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