Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


The spec on this Ferrari SF90 is simply brilliant. If given the opportunity to spec one out myself, I do not believe I could have done a better job.

Starting at $500,000+ new, this is already a motorcar of immense value. Yet when the doors are opened to reveal the doorsills, the intrinsic value to any Ferrari purist immediately climbs.

The drivers side doorsill bears the mark of Ferrari F1 pilot Carlos Sainz. The passenger side, that of  Charles Leclerc.

The markings of these two F1 drivers creates a new intrinsic worth and value on this already incredible machine.

As people, we are already posses incredible value compared to the rest of the ‘creation’ we live within. Yet, when we recognize we, too, bear a mark on our lives…that value is incalculable.

Others may try to tell us our ‘market value’ as humans, but the mark of our Maker reminds us that we are worth so much more.

Don’t sell yourself short on the worth God created you with.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him…” Genesis 1:27

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