Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Categories: Automotive Faith

by trekhocars


Lamborghini Huracan


Traction. You could have an absurd amount of horsepower at your disposal, yet without a means to attach that horsepower to the asphalt you’d remain frozen where you were at.

Horsepower is certainly all the rave, but it will only take you as far and fast as your traction will allow you to.

Traction is an underrated superpower when it comes to performance.

We need traction in life. We could have everything around us that we need to experience joy, success and satisfaction in life…yet without proper ‘traction’ to connect our potential to our purpose, we would be unable to go anywhere.

For me, that traction is my faith. It gives purpose and meaning to the potential we posses. Through the lens of my faith I am able to connect where I am and what I have with deep purpose and meaning.

Faith is the traction for our horsepower in life. If you find yourself with your wheels spinning at times, maybe a little newfound traction is just what you need to move forward.

“I am come that they might have life, and have it in abundance.” John 10:10

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